My Year of Healing

In May 2006, at 41, I was diagnosed with Stage IIB breast cancer. I have used this blog to share my journey of healing with friends, family, and anyone who wished to read my story. The blog has helped me heal, and I thank all of you who have used it to stay abreast (smile) of my progress and who have supported me along the journey. I love you all! To learn more about my latest project, please visit

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Rollercoasters Continue

First Bo's roller coaster: His primary care physician, Dr. S (none of the doctors among our growing collection has the same last initials as any of the others so far, but at the rate we are added them, that may change), called him yesterday and said she wants to see him as soon as he is off the three weeks of antibiotics she prescribed for an infection. She also said she needs to send him for some blood work to see if she can determine the underlying cause of the gynecomastia. Although he is anxious to find out what is causing the swelling, he was quite relieved that it wasn't cancer.

Dr. S called back today and said that she had been thinking about his situation some more and wants to get him over to a urologist because of one of the underlying causes of gynecomastia is.... testicular cancer. Here we go again. My worrier of a husband now has another form of cancer to worry about. It is funny because each one of us is sitting here telling the other not to worry. Yea, right!!! I am still confident his situation is caused by something much less benign, but he now joins me in the test results waiting game.

He also made the mistake of reading the side effects for his antibiotics. Big no no. He is now experiencing three of the symptoms. Call me weird, but I am telling you from experience, never read that little pamphlet! Once the seeds are planted, they can trick your subconscious into creating reality from the possibilities. I told him that if I could keep my body from having side effects from the red devil chemo (except from the hair loss that was already planted so completely in my subconscious as inevitable that even hypnosis couldn't help that one!), he could certainly keep from experiencing side effects from wimpy little antibiotics. But then, he isn't quite the tenacious entity that I am. It is why we get along so well.

I am going to save my own rollercoaster update for tomorrow, but after the past week's uphill climb, I am back on top of the unnerving Breast Cancercoaster ride after my fifth chemo cycle and a very encouraging appointment with Dr. P today. It is nearly 11:00 p.m. though, and I am ready to call it a day. (By the way and for whatever it matters, the posting time on this blog site is not on any time zone I have been able to figure out. I posted last night's blog sometime after 11:00 p.m., and it is showing 1:09 p.m. )


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